Friday, July 10, 2009

Vrikshasana-Tree Pose

more about Vrikshasana-Tree Pose from yoga poses

Vrikshasana-Tree Yoga Pose

The word vriksh means tree in Sanskrit so it is called as Tree Posture (pose).

Come in standing position with your arms relaxed at your sides.
Slowly slide the right foot up the left leg, only as high up as you can maintain your balance. When you are balanced here, slowly bring the palms together, prayer position in front of the heart.
Retain this pose for some time. Then release slowly exhaling.
Repeat on the other side.

Tree Pose Stretches the groins and inner thighs and strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, spine.
It also eases sciatica and lessens flat feet.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati
(Bihar School of Yoga 1998)
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
(Bihar School of Yoga 1997)
Hatha Yoga The Hidden Language by Swami Sivanda Radha
(Timeless Books 1995)
The Little Yoga Book by Erika Dillman
(Time Warner 1999)
Yoga for Wellness by Gary Kraftsow
(Penguin Arkana 1999)
Yoga for Body Breath and Mind by A.G Mohan
(Rudra Press 1993)
The Spiral Dance By Starhawk
( Harper San Francisco 1999)
Yoga Journal USA
Yoga at Work by Phil Aston
Copyright Phil Aston
For all lesson enquires call 01736-719342

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