Friday, July 10, 2009

Triangle Pose

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More about Trikonasana Triangle Pose from yoga poses

Trikonasana-Triangle Yoga Pose

In Sanskrit the words trikona means triangle, so this posture is called as Trikonasana.

Stand straight with hands by the side.
Take two feet distance between two legs.
Lift hands towards each side (parallel line with shoulder)
Gradually twisting towards right side touch the toe of the left leg with fingers of the right hand lifting the left hand towards sky.
Look up towards left hand.
Retain this pose for some time then repeat on other side.

Trikonasana strengthen the legs, back of a person.
It stretches the groins, hamstrings, hips, and spine
also stimulates the kidneys as well as the abdominal region, neck muscles, alleviates backaches and neck pain.
Removes fat from the waist and thighs.
Helpful in constipation and indigestion.

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